
The final visual solution in the form of the Fieldguide non-profit and its website solves the problem determined by the initial research: that when Millennial American Christians don’t engage in cross-cul- tural missions, its because they lack awareness of the purpose of missions, the value of missions, and the opportunities available for them to engage.

Overall, Fieldguide directly takes what the research found and put the solution in the easy-to-use format of a website. The problem was a lack of awareness and engagement, and through the website, Fieldguide brings awareness and provides multiple avenues for engagement.

Personal Growth

This thesis project challenged me in many ways over the past year. I grew in confidence, in how I approach getting things done, and in my own missions journey.

Future Aspirations

In the future, I would love to turn Fieldguide into a real non-profit organization with hundreds of employees in several different teams working together for different parts of the organization.